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Student Council


Recognizing the centrality and importance of the Student Body to the life and achievement of the American University of Armenia; desiring to promote the general interest and welfare of the Student Body and improve the quality of the Student experience in the American University of Armenia; and believing that this goal can be served through an organization of Students themselves,
We, the Students of the American University of Armenia, do hereby establish this Constitution of the Student Council of the American University of Armenia.

The name of this organization shall be the Student Council of the American University of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Student Council. The Council shall be a non-incorporated organization of Students.

The purpose and duty of the Student Council shall be, in the interest of the students of the American University of Armenia, to

  • represent the interests of the student body in student, university, and governmental affairs,
  • maintain a forum for expressing student views and interests;
  • initiate, coordinate, and guide student efforts aimed at improving student life and activities;
  • keep the student body informed of relevant issues,
  • foster scholarship in an atmosphere of free and objective inquiry;
  • insist upon academic freedom, responsibility, and excellence;
  • promote cohesion within the student body, recognizing the rights of students from diverse backgrounds;
  • seek and obtain effective communication and relations within the University and with the external communities;
  • provide opportunities to develop student leadership qualities;
  • ensure fair and democratic operations of this body.

The authority of the Student Council is derived from the Student Body of the University and from delegation by the President of the University. In order to fulfill its purpose, the Student Council shall have the following powers.
Section 1 – Assembly and Communication
The Student Council shall have the power to call, hold, and direct meetings of the Student Body and to initiate and receive communication within and on behalf of the Student Body.
Section 2 – Promotion of Student Activities
The Student Council shall have the power to form, endorse, or otherwise promote organizations and activities of the Student Body, as it deems necessary and appropriate to provide opportunity and structure for Student interaction, endeavors and welfare. The Student Council shall recommend allocation of funds, equipment, facilities, and other resources available for student use or provided by the student body. The Student Council shall have access to all records pertaining to these resources.
Section 3 – Affiliation
The Student Council shall have the power to affiliate with or hold membership in other organizations outside the University which serve the interests of Students or which share other common interest or cause with the Student Council and Body.
Section 4 – Organization and Self-Governance
We recognize that only the Student Body has the right to choose the representatives and officers of the Student Council, and that no Faculty or Administrative approval is needed to become a member of the Student Council in it. The Student Council shall have the power to organize itself and conduct its business, as it deems necessary and appropriate to fulfill its purpose. This organization shall be delineated in bylaws, which shall be approved by a majority of the entire Council and, as needed, further delineated in additional operating policies, plans and procedures. The bylaws and additional policies, plans and procedures shall not conflict with this Constitution in their purpose or in their particulars. This power shall include the power to elect or appoint its members to positions of leadership or responsibility within the Council and to form committees and working groups as well as to conduct business as a committee of the whole.
As a part of the power to organize itself and in order to promote its necessary and appropriate conduct of business, the Student Council shall also have the power to remove from the Council any member for neglect of duties or malfeasance. The Council shall be required a three-fourth of votes of the full membership to impeach a member. The impeached member shall be supplied with a written statement of charges and shall be allowed at least one week to prepare a defense. After a full hearing of the charges and defense, a two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire Student Council shall be required to remove the impeached member. The impeached member shall have no vote in these proceedings.
Student Council has the right to have its own budget and to launch fund-raising campaign, which may include contributions from the American University of Armenia, other Universities, different organizations and NGOs.
Student Council once per five years has the right to elect its President Emeritus from the former Student Council Presidents who have contributed a lot during and after his/her period of presidency. Current President of the Student Council nominates the candidacy and two-thirds votes of all officers are necessary to approve the status of President Emeritus.

ARTICLE IV: Membership

Section 1 – Council Composition
The Student Council shall consist of all students elected to the Council by the student body. There shall be total of thirteen (13) Officers representing the student body.
Section 2 – Qualification
All students enrolled in a degree or certificate program of the American University of Armenia and currently registered in a course of study shall have the right to fully participate in the Student Council elections.
Section 3 – Election of Officers
All the members of the Student Council shall be elected by the student body in the general election.
The election procedures are listed in the attachment entitled “Election Policies.”
Section 4 – Term of Office
Each Officer shall serve a half-year, one-school-year or one-and-half-school-year, depending on whether he or she is a first- or second-year student.

ARTICLE V: Officers

Section 1 – Executive Officers
The Student Council shall have a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recorder, Elections Coordinator, Web Page Editor, Campus-Wide Events Director, two members of Public Relations Committee, three members of Student Affairs Committee including the chairperson, and Academic Preparatory Program Students Coordinator as the executive officers who are the members of Executive Committee of the Student Council.
Section 2 – Student Council Representatives
The Student Council shall have Student Council Representatives who will be elected by each degree and certificate (including Academic Preparatory Program), first- and second-year students and approved by the three-fourths of the Student Council Officers.
Section 3 – Student Council Advisors
There shall be two faculty and two staff Advisors elected by the Student Council who will have the right to attend meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee but shall not vote. They shall have the right to speak at Council Meetings. They shall be elected by a simple majority and shall serve until replaced.

ARTICLE VI: Officer Duties

Section 1 – Duties of the President
The President shall be responsible for all actions of the Student Council and shall:

  • hold full executive authority in Student Council subject to the Executive Committee
  • act as chairman at meetings of the Council, represent the student body in all intercampus and extra-campus capacities as the Student Body President,
  • report to the Council on intercampus and extra-campus issues,
  • work in conjunction with the treasurer and members of the executive committee to prepare Council's budget,
  • have authority to authorize and sign for expenditures within the Council budget,
  • see that the Constitution and Bylaws of the Council are followed,
  • see that the other officers fulfill their responsibilities,
  • see that the Council as a whole accomplishes its goals and fulfills its responsibilities and purposes,
  • call special meetings of Student Council,
  • appoint ad hoc committees and executive positions as defined in the bylaws, and
  • assume any additional responsibilities that the bylaws or the Council may demand.

Section 2 – Duties of the Vice-President
The Vice President shall be responsible for all issues and affairs related to the internal and external workings of the Student Council and shall:

  • act as chairman in the absence of or at the request of the President,
  • be prepared to assume the duties of the President at any time,
  • see that the student body is represented and informed in campus decisions and affairs,
  • report to the Council on campus issues,
  • be responsible for publicity of issues and events outside of Student Council pertaining to Student Council or the student body of AUA,
  • coordinate with the Student Affairs Chairperson and chairs the distribution of student issues among the committees,
  • maintain channels for students to express opinions, and coordinate, oversee, and recommend changes in the work of all external and internal Student Council committees,
  • assume any additional responsibilities that the President, Bylaws, or the Council may demand.

Section 3 – Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for overseeing all funding related to the Student Council and shall:

  • see that all expenditures of Student Council funds, including expenditures of Council funds that have been appropriated to other organizations, are in accordance with university and Council policy and do not conflict with any budgets approved by the Council,
  • see that all financial transactions of the Council are executed in a timely fashion,
  • use his or her signature to represent the Council on all financial documents affecting Student Council funds,
  • see that Council members and Council committee members understand the university accounting system and financial policies well enough to be able to properly carry out their responsibilities,
  • report regularly to the President and to the Council transactions involving the Council funds which have taken place since the previous report,
  • recommend for Council approval any changes in the Council's approved budget or in the budget of any organization provided with Council funds, and
  • assume any additional responsibilities that the Bylaws or the Council may demand.

Section 4 – Duties of the Recorder
The Recorder shall be responsible for maintaining all Council records and shall:

  • record the minutes of all meetings of the Council,
  • see that all minutes, agendas, and related materials are available to all Council members early enough to allow members to review them before the meeting to which the materials pertain,
  • see that copies of the current Constitution and Bylaws are available to Council Members,
  • maintain a file of actions and resolutions approved by the Council,
  • maintain attendance records,
  • maintain the Council's roster of Representatives,
  • inform the Executive Committee when a Representative has failed to fulfill his or her duties, ? assume any additional responsibilities that the Bylaws or Council may demand.

ARTICLE VII: Duties of the Representatives

Upon assuming the title of Student Council Representative, each Representative shall:

  • attend regular Council meetings unless excused by the President or Recorder; a Representative may have no more than 3 unexcused absences during an academic year,
  • be active on and attend the meetings of at least one Council committee unless otherwise excused by the committee chairman or the Recorder; a Representative may have no more than 2 unexcused committee meeting absences during a semester,
  • voice the opinions of his or her constituents during Student Council discussions without right to vote,
  • inform constituents of the results of these votes,
  • regularly report to inform constituents of issues and proceedings of the Council, campus-wide activities, referendums, and other issues affecting the student body,
  • assume any additional duties that the executive committee, the Bylaws, or Council may demand.

ARTICLE VIII: Disciplinary Actions

Section 1 – Disciplinary Actions Regarding Officers

A. An Officer who misses three regular Council meetings shall be scheduled for a hearing by the Council, which will have the authority to remove an Officer from office, dismiss the charges against the Officer, or take any disciplinary action deemed necessary. For the purposes of this provision, tardiness or an early departure shall be counted as one-half of an absence. The Student Council Recorder shall immediately notify, in writing, an Officer of his or her suspension.
B. Any student who believes that an Officer has neglected his or her duties may file a complaint with the Student Affairs Committee urging that the Officer be removed from office. The chair of the Student Affairs Committee shall immediately notify, in writing, an Officer of the fact that a complaint has been filed against him or her and the nature of that complaint. A copy of such notification shall be forwarded to all the members of the Student Council.
C. Following a hearing under either above-mentioned paragraph A or B, the Council, by two third votes of all Officers, shall have the authority to remove an Officer from office, dismiss the charges against the Officer, or take any other disciplinary actions deemed necessary.

Section 2 – Disciplinary Actions Regarding Student Council Representatives
The provision to expel members who do not fulfill their duties shall be defined in the Bylaws.

ARTICLE IX: Student Council Meetings

Section1 – Meeting Times
The Council shall hold regular meetings at least once a month during the academic year and, in addition, when the President deems it necessary to call a meeting.
B. The Council’s Agenda shall be fixed two working days prior to the meeting and shall be distributed to all Officers two working days prior to the meeting.
C. A special meeting of the Student Council may be called by the President provided that the entire Student Council membership has been notified by e-mail or by telephone two days in advance.
D. Each member of the Student Council shall have one vote in the Student Council.

Section 2 – Quorum
A quorum is necessary for the Council or any of its subsidiary Committees to pass a decision.
A. A quorum is defined as a majority of all Officers to pass a decision.

Section 3 – Open Meetings
All Council regular meetings shall be open to the students, faculty and staff.
B. Notification of such meeting shall be available at the Student Council Web page.
C. Minutes and agendas of those open meetings shall be available at the Student Council Web page.
D. Students, faculty and staff shall have open access to all resolutions that have been passed by a regular session of the Council.

Section 4 – Parliamentary Procedures
The President of the Council, or the person acting as chair of any Committee meeting, shall make the rulings on all parliamentary questions.
B. The President shall consult with the Officer as necessary and appropriate on the parliamentary questions.
C. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary resource for the procedures of Council and its subsidiary Committees meetings.
D. When Robert’s Rules of Order and/or the Election Policies conflict with this Constitution, this Constitution shall take precedence.
E. Student Council personnel matters brought before the Council for a vote must be voted on by a secret ballot.

Section 5 – Proxies
In the event an Officer cannot attend a meeting, he/she may leave a written proxy with a designated Officer. Such written authorization must be enveloped and must clearly state both the issue upon which the proxy bears and how the Officer wishes to vote (affirmative, negative, abstention). Each Officer may serve as the representative of only one other Officer. However, the presence of a proxy will not prevent Officers from being considered absent. In the event an issue undergoes change (e.g., division of the question, amendment) the proxy will not be considered valid unless it has made provision for those specific circumstances.

Article XI: Oath
The oath of the President of the Student Council is made orally in a speech delivered to all American University of Armenia community a week after the official results of elections are announced. Former Student Council team shall inform about this event five days prior to the meeting and shall organize the meeting.

The text of the oath is the following:
“Dear Students, dear AUA community. It is an honor for me to be elected as a President of the Student Council. I promise to fulfill my duties in accordance with the general rules of professional and ethical conduct. I will show due respect to students and faculty. I will seek an opinion and advice of the community of American University of Armenia on important matters and decisions. In case a dispute arises, I will act according to the rules and procedures set forth in the Student Council Constitution. I will uphold the Student Council Constitution to the best of my ability.”

Bylaws of the Student Council shall be established by a simple majority at any official Student Council meeting. The Recorder shall update the bylaws within one week after bylaws are amended and shall maintain a current copy of the Student Council bylaws in the Recorder’s permanent files at all times.

ARTICLE XIII: Amendments
If a proposal to amend this Constitution receives three-fourth of the votes of the current student body, the Constitution shall be declared duly amended.

Article XIV: Enactment
This Constitution shall have full force and effect following passage by a three-fourths of the current student body.

Attachment 1
Student Council Election Policies

Section 1: Elections

A. The elections will be run, monitored, and supervised by the Elections Commission. The Elections Commission will consist of the Student Council Elections Coordinator, Student Council Student Affairs Committee members, one University administrative staff member, one member of Faculty Council, AUA Web Master, and one student appointed by the Student Council and the University Administration.

B. All Officers will be elected in a general election. The Officers to be elected by the student body are the President, Vice-President, and 11 Council members.

C. There is no minimum number of votes required for election; a plurality of votes cast for the position is required.

Section 2: Guidelines for Elections

A. There shall be two elections of Student Council members during a year. The purpose of having two elections is to give an opportunity to have representation in the Student Council both first-year and second-year students as its members. The method of election shall be by electronic voting. The location of electronic voting will be on the Student Council Web Page. The days and hours of operation will be decided by the Elections Commission, and shall be made public one week prior to the start of elections period. Each student has right to vote once during each election.

B. The procedure for elections shall be as follows:

  • President, Vice-President, and seven members are to be elected in November. They shall present second-year students in the Student Council. The candidates for President/Vice President should go to elections as a team.
  • The rest four members of Student Council are to be elected in June. They shall present first-year students in the Student Council.

The voting period will be four full days in November and June.
a. Only first-year students have the right to vote during November elections.
b. Both first-year and second-year students have the right to vote for any candidate (first-year or second-year) during June elections.
c. In case if there are less than seven members in the Student Council representing second-year students preceding elections in June, then, simultaneously to first-year students elections there shall be elections for second-year students to fill vacant places.

  • There shall be one week in which to campaign prior to elections day.
  • Students must type their usernames and corresponding passwords to be able to vote.

C. The eligibility of candidates shall be defined as follows:

  • Eligible candidates shall be any student with cumulative GPA equal or above 3.00.

D. All candidates must fill out and sign an election form by the deadline, to be set by the Student Council Elections Coordinator, declaring their constituency, eligibility and desire to run. The required form must be submitted to the Student Council office. No late forms will be accepted.
E. The photos of candidates, their position papers shall be put on the Student Council Web Page under heading “Candidates for Elections.”
F. Each candidate must approve a proof of the AUA Student Council Web Page paste-up of the position papers and must sign a statement declaring his/her name and data to be correct. Candidates failing to do so must accept any errors in the position paper.
G. Candidates for each seat shall be listed on the e-ballot in alphabetical order.
H. If any candidate is disqualified after or during an election, votes for him/her shall be declared void.

Section 3: Campaign Policies

  • Campaigning and electioneering shall be limited to AUA degree and certificate program students.
  • No campaign materials shall appear before the beginning of the designated campaign period. Violation of this rule shall result in the candidate’s disqualification.
  • There shall be no campaigning outside of the University premises.
  • All campaign materials must be removed within forty-eight hours of the time elections have been completed.
  • Campaign materials and activities and their use shall be regulated by general University policy and by this code.
  • The following are policies regarding campaign expenditures:

a) Candidates must submit a detailed plan of how they will run the campaign. This includes all financial statements.
b) Candidates’ campaign plan must be approved by the Elections Commission.
c) All campaign materials shall have the stamp of approval of the Elections Commission before being distributed and/or put on the Web Page. Every piece of material must be stamped. Flyers not approved by the Elections Commission must be removed by the candidate and additional penalties, including possible disqualification for repeated violations, may be possible.
d) Campaign materials (e.g. paper, printing services, paint brushes, etc.) shall be provided to each candidate by the Elections Commission after the approval of the campaign plan.
e) Rooms, auditoriums, and other facilities, if available, will be provided to each candidate following his/her request and after the approval of the campaign plan.
f) A slate must be registered with the Elections Commission.

Section 4: Ballot Counting

A. Ballots shall be counted automatically by the computer.
B. Ballots shall be stored in the program to which only the Elections Commission has access.
C. It shall be the responsibility of the Elections Commission to ensure that the system is working properly before and during the voting process.

Section 5: Sanctions

A. A candidate shall be warned or disqualified for any infraction of the Elections Code. The Elections Commission shall apply sanctions appropriate to the campaign violation. Violations that affect the outcome of an election shall result in a candidate's disqualification. Penalties shall be applied uniformly for all candidates.
B. A decision must be made within forty-eight hours or two working days on any complaint filed with the Elections Commission against a candidate.
C. The candidate shall have the right to hear a full statement of the complaint against him/her and to know the identity of the complaint.
D. The candidate shall have the right to speak in his/her own defense and to produce witnesses to speak on his/her behalf.
E. A quorum of the Elections Commission shall be required to conduct business dealing with sanctions. A quorum is defined as the three-fourths of the current Elections Commission.
F. Any student may file an elections complaint.

Section 6: Protests and Appeals

A. Protests will be accepted by the Elections Commission up to three working days after the close of the elections.
B. When there is a protest made against a candidate, a complaint form must be completed and signed by the student making the complaint. There must be factual evidence of an infraction of the Elections Code before the elections Commission will accept it.
C. Should the Elections Commission decide to hear the appeal, the Commission will have five working days to try the case. A written decision on the appeal must be delivered to the University Administration within forty-eight hours after the decision has been made.

Section 7: Publication of Elections Guidelines

The Elections Commission shall annually publish the current elections guidelines. This publication called the Elections Code, shall include but not be limited to the following:
A. Dates, times, electronic voting places, requirements for voting.
B. Eligibility.
C. Campaign regulation.
D. Campaign materials and functions.
E. Sanctions.
F. Appeals Process.
G. Rules regulating campaign statements.
H. Provisions for announcements of results.

Section 8: Recall

Every elected member of the Student Council shall be subject to recall. Upon the signing of a petition requesting recall by 50% plus 1 member of the current student body, a recall election shall be held. If a majority of the votes are cast for recall, that seat in the Student Council shall be vacant.

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